Raj Fishmeal > GMP+ Feed Safety Policy

At RAJ Fishmeal and Oil Company Unit II, we are committed to producing and supplying safe and high-quality animal feed products that meet the requirements of the GMP+ Feed Safety Assurance certification scheme.
We recognize the importance of feed safety in protecting animal health, ensuring food safety, and maintaining consumer confidence in our products.

Key Principles:

  1. Compliance with GMP+ Standards
    We adhere to the requirements of the GMP+ Feed Safety Assurance certification scheme, including the GMP+ Feed Safety Standards, Additional Modules, and Code of Practices, to ensure the safety and quality of our feed products
  2. Risk Based Approach
    We employ a risk-based approach to feed safety management, identifying and assessing potential hazards at each stage of the feed production process and implementing control measures to mitigate risks effectively.
  3. Continuous Improvement
    We are committed to continuous improvement in feed safety performance through regular monitoring, review, and enhancement of our feed safety management systems
    Feedback from internal and external stakeholders, as well as lessons learned from incidents, are valuable sources of information for driving improvement initiatives.


  • Management and employees at all levels are responsible for implementing and maintaining effective
    feed safety management systems in accordance with GMP+ requirements.
  • Feed safety responsibilities are clearly defined, communicated, and integrated into job roles and
    responsibilities across the organisation

Stakeholder Engagement

  • We engage with our stakeholders, including suppliers, customers, regulatory authorities, and industry
    partners, to promote collaboration, share best practices, and address feed safety challenges
  • Open communication channels are established to facilitate the exchange of information, feedback, and insights related to feed safety.

Training and Competence

  • We invest in training and development programs to ensure that our employees possess the necessary knowledge, skills, and competencies to perform their roles effectively and contribute to feed safety objectives.
  • Training is provided on feed safety principles, GMP+ requirements, hazard analysis, critical control
    points (HACCP), and other relevant topics.

Documentation and Record-Keeping

  • We maintain accurate and up-to-date documentation of feed safety procedures, processes, and
    records to demonstrate compliance with GMP+ standards and regulatory requirements.
  • Documented procedures are accessible to relevant personnel and regularly reviewed and updated as
    necessary to reflect changes in feed safety practices.

Commitment to Transparency

  • We are committed to transparency and accountability in our feed safety practices. We provide
    customers and stakeholders with accurate and timely information about our feed products, including
    ingredient composition, nutritional value, and safety assurances.
  • Documented procedures are accessible to relevant personnel and regularly reviewed and updated as
    necessary to reflect changes in feed safety practices.



Date: 02-01-2024